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The Bek & Siri Show: What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?


the SIRI & BEK show is presented by Siri Lindley & Bek Keat

This episode is dedicated to ‘Coach Calvin’
SOn this episode Siri & Bek take us back to their grass roots to talk about how they got into sport as children and when they developed an interest in Triathlon. As they were growing up they were often teased about their body shape that could have demoralized them and put them off playing sport. And we also hear from Siri about her father’s reaction when he discovered she was gay and how that effected her self esteem. Instead of giving in and giving up these hurtful and shaming comments motivated them even more and they grew as athletes and as gay women in spite of these hurdles.
Follow on social media – Team Sirius Tri Club on Facebook, Siri Lindley on Facebook, Rebekah Keat on Facebook – on Instagram @sirilindley, on Twitter @SELTS  @rebekahkeat and @believeranchandrescue on Instagram, on Facebook and our website www.believranchandrescue.org .
LISTEN to past episodes of the SIRI & BEK show
FULL TRANSCRIPT of this episode:

[00:00:00] This is Episode 4 of the Siri & Beck’s show on WiSP Sports Radio.

[00:00:07] We share our life experiences. Sport is a vehicle through which we have found our true selves. We hope to help inspire all of you to do the same.

[00:00:21] Today’s show we’re going to bring you back to our grass roots and talk about how we got into the sport.

[00:00:27] Yes we are. And it was not a pretty beginning for me. But back I want to start with you. Tell us about when you found triathlon.

[00:00:34] So I was a kid who did every single sport at school. I was very active. I was very competitive. I didn’t play well in teams. And I realized after a couple of years but I played basketball netball and bowls basketball without bouncing the ball pretty much. That played here in the U.S.. Nepal’s soccer tennis everything and I was pretty good because I was pretty fit and active so I was run nonstop and then I started doing triathlon as a school sport in grade 11 when I was 16 years old. Lara the teacher’s bicycle with clip in pedals and my first experience was not very fun.

[00:01:12] Well wait I want to add a little funny story in here. Can you please tell everyone what your previous swim experience was. Oh it was better than Neros.

[00:01:21] Oh actually yeah I was like I didn’t do the swan at least but I’m no mom used to drop us off on what she thought we were doing was swim training.

[00:01:29] I laughed so hard I think about this but Mum thought we were going some training my twin sister and I and I used to sort of wonder why I was always a few K.J. or a few pounds heavier. This is why clearly I also worked at a bakery part time and everything in the bakery.

[00:01:41] But my sister and I would get dropped off of the pool and my sister would go some training and I just thought with my five dollars I’d spend that was actually for the water slide for afterwards as a reward after swim training but I’d sit there and just ate whatever cakes and french fries and wonder why I was chubby chubby little one and not getting any faster I didn’t think you had to train to get faster.

[00:02:03] So yeah thanks mom I’m sorry if I never told you that story you probably had this going. But

[00:02:08] so when you were 16 and you picked up the sport something was obviously different when you showed up at the pool now.

[00:02:16] Well no I was actually sick of getting bitten by my sister. She was a natural athlete. Twin identical twin and my sister actually has identical identical twin girls which is just incredible. There’s only about 20 or so twins in all of us that have identical twins that have identical twins that are girls so it’s pretty cool. Anyway back to the story my sister used to mean everything. She was more natural and I thank her for that because as a kid growing up I was always pushing to try and beat her and I remember racing home after school on our bikes and every single time she’d go go and even if I got a heads she would beat me. I never ever could beat her, ever, and my dad has to take you and secret run training sessions and sometimes he’d if she came he put my hand on my back give me a little push it was easier so I could breathe more and I think it’s just I was carrying a few extra kilos so we were called the chubby twins – the fatties and that’s how we weren’t even really fat we were a little overweight but I think it sort of was where I found myself because I had confidence in one thing that I could actually do better there my sister and that was combining the swim, the bike and the run and I think I was any better because she never actually tried it.

What about you Siri because yours is different? Like I know you learnt to swim from your beautiful mom who did like getting her hair wet.

[00:03:33] So yeah well so I discovered triathlon a little bit older than you I was 23 years old and lot older, a little older I like to think I’m still a little bit older than you but so I started it I was 23 years old and I went to watch a friend in a triathlon and I was like wow this is the most incredible thing I have ever seen. People of all ages all sizes all personalities but they were all out there just pushing themselves to the limit and they all looked so alive and I thought I have to do this.

[00:04:09] There was something about it that just drew me to it. But the problem was that I didn’t know how to swim and like you say I learnt how to swim from my mom and basically watched her she has this beautiful blonde hair and she would swim the breaststroke under the water but her head would be high above the water with this big swan neck. Keeping her hair dry and so the first time my friend offered to start coaching me and we went to a little 15 yard pool and she said and show me what you got. And I saw the other people you know their arms were coming out of the water. But all I knew was my head out of the water I threw something together and I looked like a human washing machine and she sighed and thought Oh God do you really want me to take this on. Nice said yes please help me I’m in love with this sport. I’ve been a field hockey ice hockey and lacrosse player and so I knew I needed to learn how to swim. I needed to learn how to have to ride a bike and the running part actually felt really confident about because I had been sprinting up and down a field for years but I didn’t realise just how hard it was. You actually have to learn how to pace yourself. Not running 10k with ten million hundreds in a row. Flat out. So that was my beginning.

[00:05:28] I’ve got a good experience about my first bike ride because I borrowed to teach who is white told me at the time like 6 foot and he said Do you want to ride my race bike. Really cool clicking pedals and obviously the pole was y above where it should have been that the top tube and I never forget getting to the first set of lights. He’s like just turn your heel to the side you’ll be fine. And I could not get it out. And then of course the first satellite boom I fell down. I think I fell down twice like in the first five minutes. Now like this is not a fun experience. So I would toast jets for like the first two years racing. I know you used that and you athel no chance to use the toaster.

[00:06:03] I didn’t actually I didn’t. I feel like that’s I lost my half a second at the end.

[00:06:09] Annie Emerson won and Siri had those pedals they were cool with still the power in them. Totally that was fun. But so guys we all start with the training straps don’t we. Well the clip on pedals.

[00:06:21] What do you call training wheels. Well it’s yeah like straps on the straps so strap in. I mean the fact that you had those on for a while I did too and then I realized that I actually got scared yet just literally conquered them.

[00:06:34] Yeah like you can just click your foot out now. Yeah. So anybody needs tips on that like you actually you go to first thing is you have your head up and remember don’t look down. So that’s the worst thing you could run into something but you just go to literally turn your heel up to the side. When when they’re down when the pedal is down like it’s facing straight down that puts the bottom of the stroke that’s when you want to try and get your foot out. So I think some people are trying to one up or try to do a leg that they’re not comfortable with. You just got a really good clip that heel of the side to the right.

[00:07:06] And those of you like me at the time that are afraid to get out there with clip pedals to give it a try. In fear that you might fall over. Don’t be afraid like there’s no shame in trying to become good at something.

[00:07:21] I mean I can’t tell you how many times I fell over at stoplights doleful. I still feel I let my light used to get stuck all the time and I still falling off several times. Yes. So don’t be afraid because you’ve got to start somewhere.

[00:07:34] And I know for me when I started I was a disaster and I mean that and I know a lot of you have probably heard my story and I won’t go through it. Now on this show today but I knew nothing. I was a complete beginner. I made my first bike that I got was my friends neighbors bike that he was selling for 100 bucks which I thought was super expensive but it was like a 10 speed bike. And the best part about it is it had a basket in the front and I had in those days and some of you may not be old enough to even know what these are but they had these little radios that portable radios.

[00:08:08] She tried to put like wet lycra on. And she actually had him holding her pants. That was right. The first race. Yeah. And she tried to put it like her on her legs. Well yeah after the swim which is just you just caught anyone she’s tried to put lycra on when you’re wet. You know how hard is. Yes so I made every mistake in the book. But you know what I think that’s what has made me a really good coach because I have made every mistake. And then I spent 10 years finding a way to backpedal a bit because I said it was going on six days so I could already swim I did swimming in school.

[00:08:41] So we literally hadn’t even had a lesson in swimming until she was 20. Right. I’d been swimming and just doing club night wondering why wasn’t faster now you’ve been eating potato cake doing once you know after that like one swim away which was just racing and never trained because I didn’t know Training Major Foster I just thought it might be slower because I’d say the dead wood doesn’t just make you more tired. And I realize now you accept the condition. So we did once I’m awake and then I started coaching with an amazing actually a Romanian coach who used to say you don’t know what pain is any grind his knuckles down the brick wall and say a disease pain and he used to give his 100 hundreds fly and I could barely make 50. And then if you had bad technique he’d make you start again. Never forget the training I did with him was torture. But he shifted my mindset. So any pain that I’d going through with other coaches it was scary. No actually Bret and Siri are pretty tough but I’d been through that as a kid. It was so good it taught me to be resilient and to understand pain and to push through that pain and not be soft and I was talented. So that’s one thing I think I had to learn a little bit was the talent was great. But you still need to know how to push those boundaries so I actually thank him for that. Even though at the time I hated him we had a great relationship for years after July I was probably 19. Leave me alone. But so what.

[00:09:58] Your first coach was Yolly is that right.

[00:10:00] Yeah yeah yeah. Like my sister my friend was my first coach kind of like when you had a crush on that’s yeah this is her name Lynn somehow Lynn she taught me every bit about the sport. Lynn you’re in trouble. All the basic and she was my best friend and yeah I might have had a little crush on her son.

[00:10:18] But she is my idol. She acts like the best athlete in town and she was just so willing to help me. I really was grateful to her. And then I you know I fell in love with the sport after my first race and I decided this is all I want my life has become great in this sport. And I came out to Colorado to visit my mom. Around Christmas time and I went skate skiing out on the golf course. And I remember there was a big group of girls and they were all having their picture taken. And at that age I just realized I was gay and I was like a shy of you know young thing and I saw all these girls and I’m like oh my god I’ve got to ski well because there’s all these girls watching me. I got so nervous and my skis cross in front of me and I fell flat on my face like a foot of snow. And this woman comes over and gives me her hand and says Hey can I help you. And she lifted me off the ground I said she said what’s your name. I said my name is Syria I’m a triathlete triathlete. And that’s right. And I mean what a dork. That’s who I was. People still say that. Let this they define themselves. I’m a triathlete. So she answers and I think this is more just to make me feel comfortable she said.

[00:11:30] My name is Yolly and I’m a triathlon coach and we started talking and she’s like my coach in Boulder, Colorado it’s the Mecca for the sport in the U.S. and I was like oh my god no way do you really. She’s like yell coach dude you need a coach. And I said yeah and I said Can I move to Boulder. She’s like yes that would be amazing. And literally within two weeks I was leaving out in Worcester Massachusetts. At the time I packed up everything and moved out to Boulder, Colorado. Two weeks later and that’s when you know that this dream is your passion and that there is something really important that you’re going to find through taking this on. And I guess my question for you back is was there. You know it’s kind of a confidence builder when you take on something so difficult that you’re choosing to take on. No one’s telling you to do it but you’re choosing to take it on.

[00:12:23] I mean it’s a lot different to yours because I already had I was already a cross-country runner. I did swimming a little bit more a lot more than you and I was a little bit of a natural athlete although you were two but I sort of had more experience I think we did cross country as a kid. So my running was there never really trained for it made state and stuff but never was that good. I remember Nicole Hackett to money maybe listen to this one day but she would keep my bot at nationals and I’d wonder why and I never trained I would. Why is she so fast. It’s like 68. I should’ve known better that we didn’t have that going up throughout school we never had coaches that we would take on board and say hey back let’s put you in the cross-country team we just didn’t have that we have that sort of we didn’t get that sort of coaching. I wish we had. I probably would have been a little bit faster back. But anyway so moving on I went from my Romanian coach and then what was next. Oh I actually qualified for my first. So money is definitely a little different because you were a little bit older so I remember it 16 a qualified for my first duathlon world championship team. I raced a return championship in Melbourne and got second as the junior in the state champs did say you were doing. And yes it was like a 5 k run. I think I was 16.

[00:13:37] It was a 5 k run 40 k bought a 10k run 40 k by 5 k run that’s kind of a lot for a 16 year old and I think even that day remember the day I just 15 minutes of the tank had never run in my life but I still managed to ride so well and run so well in the second round and I got second went to duathlon world champs got for the duathlon world champs and then I was like I need to learn to swim this bike. Run bike run is so frickin’ hard and a kind of similar because you went and did afterwards did duathlons and got second at Duathlon World Champs. So I then I ended up winning do World Champs 1997 as a junior Brit sent me to this ridiculous phrase the week before and I had no expectations. My one euphemized chance in 1990 was then yeah I seven and I was doing triathlon bought by 1996 I was doing actually duathlon worlds was ’94 f so I was six. And there are triathlon 96 qualified for nationals and I went over to the world just scraped in. Similar to you. You actually race that race. It was ’96 Cleveland Ohio Siri raced it – welooked at how times the other day and they were almost within 30 seconds of each other. And I think it was your first team wasn’t it must be. That was my first world championship so that was both of our first world championships. Me as a junior her as a senior I end up winning that day and claimed my Junior world title so that was really cool.

[00:15:02] But it was so cool to look back at the results the other day because I swim back and run series Rome was a lot better my best when I’m back. Like I think I got her in the back and the swim is she just joined me on the run. But at times really similar. That’s really funny.

[00:15:14] But Beck so you you are pretty much a natural. I mean from the beginning you were able to. So what advice. I mean because I want to tell everyone out here you have some people that this is a sport that I just made before and like that was a natural athlete that came in and pretty much did great right off the bat. Once she realized that she had to work hard for it. But I want everyone to know that you can be an absolutely you know ridiculous joke when you start and still become an incredible athlete because that was me. I mean people used to laugh at me lately opposite really. I mean my first race right there were literally people laughing at me and you know kids can be quite cruel and they were saying oh my god look at that girl what’s wrong with her. You know but I remember during the race I’d never felt so alive in my life I didn’t notice any of those things I didn’t hear any of those comments or at least I didn’t think I did because I was just loving it so much. But after it was done and I was lying in bed that’s when I remember and all this sounds and what was happening around me kind of came to my attention and that was motivation for me. The fact that people were laughing at me and I wanted nothing more than to become proficient in this sport that I’d fallen in love with.

[00:16:32] And the fact that people were laughing at me laughing at me even when I was trying so hard to just do the best that I could like that made me mad. But it also created this intense fire inside of me and that’s what inspired me to put in the work and do whatever it took to become great in this sport that I’d fallen in love with.

[00:16:51] Yeah I think my desire and hunger to succeed and be successful and to be sane was more. It was similar but was my sister had always made everything she has at everything. I love her for that. She always thinks I’m having a go at her but she made me. I was a world champion because of her as a junior because she pushed me to go outside myself and prove that I had something that I could be proud of. She was always she was prefect at school at club captain and high grades like we had to do a scaling system drive. I remember a year when we got to the school in Year 7 we did a grading system and you get graded from one to eight . I got in like 3. My sister got a one so I’m going to go home to mom – I was devastated. And then the same thing they did a year 11 I get graded for me and them to buy them. And she was always in the top of her combo’s set almost pushing into the next year. And that was always hard. So I was so frustrated that she was the good looking boys you know like not that I wanted them I one of the girls but she was there every day and I think I think my sister because my drive came from just wanting to prove more to them myself that I was worthy and I could be saying because I feel a little on her as a kid and I think it’s kind of similar to that.

[00:18:04] Yeah. What I think my huge drive behind mine you know when I was 23 my dad found out that I was gay. And he called me and he was bawling on the phone. He said Siri somebody told me that you’re gay please tell me this isn’t true. I can’t have a daughter that’s gay. Promise me this isn’t true. And I said Dad I’m gay I can’t do anything about it. Please tell me that you’ll love me anyway. And he hung up the phone and I didn’t hear from him for the next two years. And after that he found it within himself to call me on Christmas but that was it. And so for a 23 year old it made me think that everything that I had achieved up to that point meant absolutely nothing. Now that I was gay. So for me I was so desperate to go out most importantly to prove to myself that as a gay woman I can still achieve things that I think are amazing. I can make a difference in this world. I can find love. I can inspire people. And so I was so determined to prove to myself that I was worthwhile and to prove to myself that it was even worth loving myself. And so I thank my dad for reacting the way he did because I don’t think I would have been so determined and so relentless in my pursuit to become the best athlete I could be if he had said oh you’re perfect just the way that you are maybe I wouldn’t have been so motivated.

[00:19:34] And yeah I was a bigger girl too and I remember my first World Cup race she had a little little bit of chump on your bum when you… I had a a big bum and that was from hockey I was playing ice hockey and then when you stop playing ice hockey it turned to fat so I had a baseline not turned to fat but you know what the sad thing is that the sad thing is that I actually had a pretty good body image regardless of whether my butt was big or not I actually went to Bret. I went to Bret and told him not tell him what he used to say to you because he did the same to another person. Let me preface this. Bret is one of the greatest coaches in the world.

[00:20:08] He was a great mentor for me. But this was wrong and I have to say this was wrong. This scarred me and it still has scarred me. My wife we’ve been married for what. Well hear the same thing to me to grab my I can say get rid of that. Yeah and I’m like it’s Skeene. Well my wife still hasn’t seen my bare bottom because of this.

[00:20:26] But anyhow maybe once I on my first day at training camp in Switzerland he I remember put me on the scale in front of everyone and weighed me. And then after he waved me it was like whoa and he said OK everybody make sure series already in the pool before you get in. Otherwise if you’re in there and she jumps in there’s going to be a tidal wave.

[00:20:49] And then he to always you know say that I had rabbits in a sack and that was really really hard on me and it destroyed my body image but it also did of course motivate me even more to want to be an incredible athlete regardless of what I looked like. But in my first World Cup race I was in Paris, France and I remember I ran by this American girl that had always done. She was always like in the top 15 and I ran by her and she looked at me and when she crossed the line she came over to me and she said Wow you ran really good for big girl. And I tell you what. You know it’s comments like those who you have to think that as much as it hurts and as much as you think how could that person say something so cruel. That comment really did motivate me. Yeah. And I guess now Katie looks a bit like in the same theme of you know what fine. I am a big girl. But I will prove to you that a big girls can do just as much as small girls can and we can achieve great things and we can be left and we can make a difference and we can inspire.

[00:21:58] So that’s been my theme that’s my dad to me and my dad used to call me Beka double decker. And yeah. So of course I’d have a complex about that to us five or six. I was always bigger and my mum said I used to have my dinner and then swapped my politely a little bit for my sister then swap my plate with her and he told her mom to make them work it out for a year or two and I was always happy I was born haveI or whatever the neighbors called us. The Fatty’s. And if I ever listened to this going a off because he can’t remember but I’m scarred me for life. Yeah. Doesn’t I think there must be a way that we can give voice to people that when people say you can’t do something well look at half that moment you to go don’t do it. Oh what on. Yeah yeah exactly.

[00:22:43] And you know what. Like there is no shape or size that is the perfect shape or size that you need to be to be great in sport that is be as especially try and you don’t need to be a lane told nothing you just you will get up to you.

[00:22:59] What is natural for you. Your perfect race weight is that weight at which you are doing your sport better than you ever had before. That’s your main you’re not getting injured and feel good and respect your body and give it what it needs because when you work your body as hard as you do in sports all it asks in return is that you take care of it feed it well hydrate it give it massages get your recovery get sleep.

[00:23:23] You have to show your thanks and appreciation to your body every single day. So those of you that have that have been you know had comments like this thrown at you.

[00:23:34] You have to let it motivate you let it fire you up and let it go over you because you are perfect and beautiful just the way you are.

[00:23:43] I want to try and remember this story you might remember at 2. I’ll give a little example of our or some athlete Brian ōba.

[00:23:50] He’s a family father he’s got or someone if he’s got five kids he works 80 hours a week at a bowling alley and he was on a treadmill and he had some one call the guy when I called him but a guy came up to me and said Iron Man what are you kidding yourself. You fat whatever he called him. And I was so upset. I went to manhole this guy and say How dare you.

[00:24:14] And Brian took it so well they thankfully kicked the guy the club but this guy has now lost over 140 pounds. He used it for motivation didn’t become a victim and go on Don. He’s had these battles but he used his motivation he’s now done three or four Ironman and he’s made the cut off and he’s down to I think he’s lost over 100 something pounds now so he used that as motivation and that’s the same for anyone. You can use. You can use that to your advantage you don’t need to be become a victim and so you should use that to fire you are absolutely use it to fire you up and I think we all back you and I talk about this all the time.

[00:24:50] We respect most and are inspired by the most the people that are out there making it happen for everyone no matter what size no matter what shape getting fit. Getting strong and becoming great in a sport takes such hard work. It is hard and you’re going to fail over and over again you’re going to have great days and you’re going to have some of the toughest days ever. But anyone who takes on the challenge of pushing yourself to all new limits and taking on goal that that may seem impossible in the beginning that deserves respect. That’s inspiring and to us that’s always been what has inspired us.

[00:25:29] You know people always say or you inspire us and say Well actually our age group is like we love them so much our team around him he has tried club. They inspire us everyday. These guys work full time. They have some of them. I have a friend who has a wife and two kids with autism. You know all these stories that you don’t even know about and you get to know them as people one lady’s old boys being so sick they’re basically living in the hospital and they inspire us like we had it easy when we think about it we see or hear that and we think you guys are incredible.

[00:25:59] Absolutely. Absolutely and I think that the big thing is guys you know when you take on a goal any goal athletically business and relationship whatever it is you have to be your own biggest supporter. So any ways that you judge yourself negatively ways that disempower you. That stuff has to stop. You want to be the best you can be and enjoy the experience and be fulfilled throughout the whole process. You have got to believe in yourself you’ve got to acknowledge your efforts you’ve got to be proud of what you’re doing every single day and you’ve got to celebrate you every single day because taking on a big goal is so freakin awesome. You have to be your own biggest supporter. Would you agree totally.

[00:26:44] You got to remember it can be such small steps like you may have. I always say to Siri if you’re growing still improving.

[00:26:51] OK so my motto is you’re either winning or you’re learning. There’s no such thing as failure because when you fail that’s when we learn the most. That’s how we grow the most so when we were growing that’s what we’re making the most progress. And if you think about it for all of us as long as we’re making progress we’re going to be happy.

[00:27:12] Yes exactly and that’s what I we’re another that’s another point altogether. But that’s why we’re so against using power and hot right. Well not so much her the parent things like that because all these gadgets and stuff you’re constantly measuring years and some days when Siri says just go hard or go do your best. It is not going to be as good as another day and sometimes there’s no reason why it will be not as good or better or you just don’t know how much you can feel like crap and then you go incredible. But if you’re staring at these numbers and punchlines a of the world’s always judging everybody so why would you want to judge yourself all the time. Yes there is a time and a need for that. And we do use yes but we don’t want you guys to focus on and that’s why we’re so that’s so important to us.

[00:27:52] It’s all about perceived effort because think about it this way you can only do your best. Right. You can only do your best so on any given day you give your best. That is a victory. That is exactly what you hoped for. We want to leave that judgment out. We want to leave the constant you know deciding whether or not you’re good enough or not good enough in every single moment when you look at your garment or look at your or power meter like we want to remove all of that so you can be free and you can train and put in your best effort and do what you have to do and I guarantee you that the results will be unbelievable and not just that but you will be so much happier and be enjoying it so much more.

[00:28:32] Yeah exactly. I love that. Yeah but we can take away from the show. Yeah absolutely. And you know think about all of you think about your beginning in your sport.

[00:28:44] What was it that drove. What was it that made you attracted to wanting to take on this goal. What was it. What was the sport feeling inside of you remember how you got started.

[00:28:58] And remember that passion. Remember the why behind it and always come back to that because when training gets tougher you start getting tired or you hit a plateau remembering why you’re doing it. We’ll bring you back to the excitement the motivation and your whole purpose and meaning in doing it. And how big why.

[00:29:16] I’m going to wrap up with this how big why of course for our financial freedom is to save horses and now non-profit believe ranch and rescue where rescue horses from slaughter. You can hear our guys dogs barking in the background they agree with that. And that’s our big why that’s why we do what we do and we also want to help change lives and give back to this incredible sport and give it 45 years combined knowledge in the sport to as many people as we can.

[00:29:40] So exactly and in saving our horses horses are such tremendous teachers. They teach us leadership. They teach us how to trust. They teach us self-awareness and they’re such great leaders teachers healers so in saving the horses we also plan on saving human beings and providing experiences where you can truly learn about yourself what inspires you what moves you what your Y is and to be able to truly tap into your full potential. So please support us in this effort and come join us one day.

[00:30:16] So I’m going to finish off with dedicating he dedicated his show to coach Calvet series beautiful boy who we last couple of days ago. And thank you for all your incredible words and support. And I’d like to dedicate this show to Kim. It was a beautiful boy and he could never be replaced but he’s always with us.

[00:30:44] Thank you. And we did actually on behalf of cows save three beautiful horses. Sorry. Actually it’s a funny story because it was a bit to say won. And she called me in tears and said I know it was Calvin’s biggest threat to save three BYB. And I said OK that’s or I don’t know where they’re going to go. But we do that that were saved through this week and that was on behalf of Cowley’s so it felt very good to do that. But this this is dedicated to couch cow.

[00:31:11] Thank you so much babe. My boy Calvin was my sidekick for the last seven years. He played a role in Marinda car Freys World Championships and I got him in 2011. So she had two world championships after that we and Kate have had two world championships in 2012 and Calvin was at every single training session. And my boy loved me like I’ve never been loved before. And he brought me such strength and so much love and was so devoted and I’m going to miss him so much. BECK I know together we’re finding it hard to to move on without him but with anything in life and for all of you that have lost someone you love or lost a pet that you loved when you think about how much they loved you and how your happiness meant everything to them. When Beck and I fall into tears which we do often we then remember that Calvin wants us to be happy to have memories that bring joy inside our hearts and help us feel his love. But when you’ve lost someone the best way to honor them is to be all that you can be and use their memory and their love to spur you on to even greater things. Thank you everybody. Your comments meant the world to us. He was my beloved boy our beloved boy. And yes this podcast is dedicated to him. So to all of you. We are so grateful for your support. The Syrian backed show is in partnership with West sports. We believe that women in sport deserve equal coverage. So listen on shine on.

[00:33:00] Be all that you can be and have an amazing week. Thanks everyone. Thank you.

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