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Finding A Way Masterclass With Author Siri Lindley

Deep dive into the transformational process of Finding a Way!

Authenticity. Intention. Going First. Renarrating the stories we live by. Overcoming fear owning our every experience of life and more.  Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to be personally coached by the author herself.  

Finding A Way Masterclass
October 12, 2023
Siri_Stairs square


Group 33-2


You aren’t human if you haven’t suffered from lack of motivation, anxiety or overwhelm at some point in your life. They could be small triggers, or it could be something that you’ve been struggling with for years.

It’s time to discover what’s holding you back from greatness and remove the emotional obstacles that are in your way

Uncover the stories you tell about yourself and things like work, relationships, finances, and self Re-narrate to reflect the truth, enabling you to live the life you desire intentionally and authentically.

Throughout the 8-week program you will discover how to:

  • Unleash your greatest potential
  • Design your own personal path to success
  • Remove anxiety and fear as obstacles so that you can push through relentlessly
  • Open up to all the joy that you deserve in your life
  • Push through low-level energy states and rewire your motivation
  • Create meaningful relationships and expand your network because of your increased confidence
  • Succeed with incredible fulfillment

What is included in the
Finding A Way Masterclass?

Weekly group calls with Siri

Thursdays at 4pm MT (3pm PT, 6pm ET) and 90 minutes long

Weekly Assignments

Exploring your beliefs
Shedding light on disempowering stories Uncovering your top values
Renarrating the stories of your life
Boundary setting
Habit and ritual creation and more...

Access to private Facebook group

Access to my exclusive Facebook group where you can ask questions & connect

Fear is a mechanism created to keep you safe and comfortable. That gets in the way of you becoming your most successful self.

To build the path of becoming the greatest version of yourself you need to grow. And you experience this outside of your comfort zone.

You’ll have to leave old habits and ways of thinking behind and retrain your brain.

If you never learn the role that fear and doubt play in your growth and success, you’ll sabotage yourself at every turn.


Testimonial Quotes

Siri you really inspired me!

Siri you really inspired me and touched me at the bottom of my heart. Thanks for sharing and offering your soul. Thank you for being who you are.

Michael D.
Tony Robbins (1)

Siri has so much joy, so much love, and she is such a giver.  She is the most beautiful, authentic, sincere human being you can imagine.  She is always there to serve.

Tony Robbins
The World's Top Life and Business Strategist
Siri is the most impactful coach you will ever meet.

Siri is the most impactful, authentic, caring and difference making coach you'll meet. I get more from 1 hour with Siri than years worth of coaching from previous coaches.

Matthew N.

Testimonial Videos


I’m not just a number. I feel special when Siri is coaching me.  She wants to make sure you are satisfied, she’s ALL IN!
Michelle A.
Finding a Way Masterclass Participant


Siri changed my life. In the Masterclass, she gives time, energy and space to each individual in the group.  It’s SO POWERFUL.
Jenna S.
Finding a Way Masterclass Participant


Siri helped me to believe in myself and my self worth.   She looks within you and brings out the best parts.
Karen P.
Finding a Way Masterclass Participant

Are your limiting beliefs getting in the way of your path to success in life, relationships, or career?

The Finding A Way Masterclass is for...

Business Owners

Take your business to all new levels through connecting even deeper to your why.


How to make the impossible possible by overcoming your limiting beliefs


Be successful in your work, maximize your career and your personal fulfillment.


Take your life to all new levels of love joy passion and fulfilment

About Siri

I am in the business of changing lives and making dreams come true. My mission is to positively influence others, to help empower you by connecting you to your greatest strengths. By helping to guide you to your heart, your passion and your mission, you can then live your life from a place of love and not fear. Finding the courage, the strength and the ability to create the extraordinary life you dream of is possible!

The Impossible Really Can Be Possible

Join the Finding A Way Masterclass With Siri Lindley and start changing your story so you can change your life.

One time Payment


Join the Finding a Way Masterclass With Siri Lindley and start changing your story so you can change your life.

  • 8 Weeks of Weekly group calls with Siri - Thursdays at 4pm MT(3pm PT, 6pm ET) 90 minutes long
  • Weekly Assignments
  • Access to the Masterclass private Facebook group - Access to my exclusive Facebook group where you can ask questions & connect

Two time Payment


for 2 months

Join the Finding a Way Masterclass With Siri Lindley and start changing your story so you can change your life.

  • 8 Weeks of Weekly group calls with Siri - Thursdays at 4pm MT (3pm PT, 6pm ET) 90 minutes long
  • Weekly Assignments
  • Access to the Masterclass private Facebook group - Access to my exclusive Facebook group where you can ask questions & connect