The Bed Head Chronicles

Embracing Your Shadow - Siri Lindley

Written by Admin | Jul 4, 2019 4:41:33 AM

Good morning everyone and welcome to the bed head chronicles. Today, I want to talk about the parts of ourselves that we’re not necessarily proud of. I know I often talk about being our best selves, being better than we were the day before. And, I think, often, what we want to try and do is just suppress or hide away those parts of ourselves that make us feel some kind of shame, or we know that it’s not our best self.
But, I’m encouraging you to be thankful for those parts of yourself because those aspects of who you are acts as a teacher for you. It acts as a guide for you so you can truly step into your magnificence, your greatness, your power, your strength. If we don’t know the things that can potentially get in our own way, as we try to be our best selves, how can we know what we really want to be?
So, rather than pushing those parts of yourself — I know now the things that I used to be most ashamed of have actually been my greatest strength because these things have taught me what I don’t want to be. It has guided me to what I am now. Use those aspects of yourself to light the path to your most powerful light.
I talked in another episode about worthy opponents. People that may have hurt you, or frustrated you, or people at a time in your life that was very difficult — and when you look back, you can see that they were actually your worthy opponent. They stretched you to become something more. They brought you to a new place in your life. You found your strength through your struggle.
So, when I look back at my anxiety, and how at a time I just let that overcome me with OCD nearly took my life away from me, I can recognize that part of me that gets so anxious — that part of me that can feel overwhelmed. And I embrace that part of me. And I look upon that as a gift because I know that everything I do every day is to make sure that I don’t let that influence me, hold me back, or slow me down. Or get in my what of what I hope to be or hope to give or what I hope to accomplish.
So, that part of me, I consider a teacher, a guide, a light; and it helps me be the best me by knowing that is there and inspiring me to be so much than that. I hope this helped. I hoped this made sense. But embrace every aspect of who you are; you are absolutely perfect just the way that you are. And, like in life, we put in tough times. Times that challenge us. But those times always make us stronger. Those times always lead to something better. They always stretch us to become something more, something we can be so proud of, something that we can share with the world as a gift. Have a great day.